AI-powered Looks for Fashion eCommerce in real time!

How to manages internal online traffic and sell more? We have a solution - Looks in real time!


Style: Business
Event: for office

PickUp.Fashion service is a new catalogue navigation method through Looks and Similar Items. It is TRAINED using Artificial Intelligence to generate in real time Fashion Looks and Similar Items without stylists.

If you want to see how the service works, click the "Test PickUp" button

What is it

Looks in real time

for Fashion eСommerce
Management internal traffic
Increase of sales

Style: Fashion
Event: for city
without Stylists
Looks on the Main Page
Looks on the Product Page
1 Look - 1 second!

for Online Store customers
Super Shop-Assistant

Style: Business
Event: for office
Increasing the quantity of wardrobe items to 5 pieces in a Look you increase the main indexes:
  1. Avg. order quantity
  2. Avg. transaction value
  3. Conversion rate
  4. Accessories sales
  5. Sales of trendy items, often the most expensive in the range
Innovation in sales

A new catalogue navigation method;
• Creates and manages internal online traffic through Looks and Similar Items;
 To see products from last catalogue pages that a customer could never see and never reach;
Upsell and cross sell increase (To see! To Want! To Buy!);
• 5Х products discovery rate;
Customer`s emotional engagement;



  1. Looks of 5, 4 or 3 items

  2. Filters: Season, Style, Event 

  3. Product informationBrand, Price

  4. View of each item from Look

  5. Favorite items or Looks saving

  6. Product card visit 

  7. Fix Item. Next Looks will include this item

  8. Fix Style. Next Looks will include similar item

Who is it for
For Fashion Online Stores with 5000 SKU and more.

We have API for PickUp.Fashion service integration into a customer’s online store.

Test PickUp
How does it work

API installation by a customer according to the instructions provided 

Integrate into

online store


Write to us! We will be happy to present all the opportunities of PickUp.Fashion service to you. We are sure, this will change long-standing online sales psychology in Fashion eCommerce and “PickUp” button will become favorite for millions of your customers. 

